Reduce the use of fossil energy and the CO-emission in the building
sector by 20 to 30 percent.

5 years

Start date
30 May 2005

Energie-, Gebäude – und Solartechnik, Stuttgart

Specific activities within Energy in Minds
- demonstrate the importance of information and education to reach
climate goals
- transfer knowledge and experience on energy issues between Euro-
pean countries
- test and evaluate new, promising RES (renewable energy sources)
and RUE (rational use of energy) measures in practice
- educate future energy experts and practitioner
- stimulate, motivate and assist other municipalities and regions in their
work to achieve energy- and CO-goals.

Measures on both the supply and demand side will be implemented. The
whole population will be involved and engaged in the process with the
help of campaigns, education, projects focused on residential buildings
and energy counselling for house owners.